Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mysterious beach sunset in La Jolla, CA.

Dem colors. As soon as you see this picture, you go,"Woah." The range of colors is simply stunning. Of course, this is not without the help of a little extra saturation in Photoshop. Also, I darkened the sky and all its colors because it was far too bright. The opposite goes for the sand because it was very dark and boring. So, I evened it out and viola! I would classify this picture as leading lines because the horizon leads straight to the man standing on the beach.

Fresh colors.

This photo is in my top three pictures because I love the colors and it looks like one could use it as a wallpaper. The yellow stamens really pop against the dominant, vibrant red. Using the rule of thirds, I was able to convey a sort of happy overall tone. In photoshop, I used curves to brighten the entire photo. I also saturated the colors to make them surprising and eye-opening.

We're all empty inside.

This photo is in my top three due to the emotion I feel that it conveys. To me, this photo says emptiness. We dress up our feelings and personalities but inside, we are the empty table setting. In Lightroom, I made the photo in black and white because it compliments this emotion. I also made the photo darker using curves to make the feeling more dramatic. If not known yet, this is classified as a black and white photo.

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